Features & Benefits

No incorrect medicine consumption

No incorrect medicine consumption

EFFIPAC eliminates the possibility of incorrect medicine consumption as all the medicines are pre-sorted into individual pouches using high-end technology.

No misplacement of medicines

No misplacement of medicines

EFFIPAC sorts and organizes the medicines in pouches that are sealed and hence misplacement of medicines is avoided.

No confusion about medicines

No confusion about medicines

Patients or their caretakers don’t need to remember complex medicine names. They just have to remember the ‘pouch’ of their packed medicines.

No mixing up of medicines

No mixing up of medicines

Your medicines are curated and packed with clear instructions consisting of respective patients’ names for identification, thus avoiding medicine mix-ups.

No forgetting medicines

No forgetting medicines

Effipac prompts the patients to take the right medicines at the right time.

No damage to medicines

No damage to medicines

While sorting the medicines, Effipac retains the individual packaging of pills and they are further sealed in pouches giving extra prevention.